Show Notes – April 27, 2014

Immigration Equality is a non-profit organization based in New York that is helping LGBT people who are fleeing their home country because of oppressive laws such as those recently passed in Russia and Uganda.  Legal Director Aaron Morris joined us to talk about the work he and his staff are doing that is literally saving lives.  He explained the process of gaining asylum here in the United States and talked about what you can do to help.


Toronto, Canada is hosting the 2014 World Pride celebration this summer.  Police Constable Danielle Bottineau talked about this special event and about the international LGBT law enforcement conference she is putting together as part of the World Pride Celebration.

ryanzamoOn this month’s Outbeat Youth segment, we talked with Ryan Zamo, a young singer-songwriter from New Jersey who just released his third album.  Ryan’s music is inspired largely by his own experience being a gay man.

Learn More

Immigration Equality
2014 World Pride Celebration
2014 LGBT Law Enforcement Conference
Ryan Zamo

Listen to this edition of Outbeat News In Depth here

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