Show Notes – November 22, 2015

51D9LGodenL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_francisdebernardoWe start this month with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Amy Nutt who wrote, “Becoming Nicole,” a story about the Maines family and their unconditional love for their transgender daughter Nicole.  Amy and Wayne Maines, the father of Nicole and her twin brother Jonas, talk with us about the family’s struggles and successes raising two incredible young people.

In the second half of our hour, Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, returns to talk about his trip to Rome and coverage of the Synod, a meeting with Pope Francis and Catholic bishops.  Francis talks about the Pope’s visit to the United States and where the Catholic Church might be headed with LGBT people.



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“Becoming Nicole”
News Ways Ministry
Call To Action

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