Show Notes – June 22, 2014

This month we celebrate Fathers Day and Gay Pride month here in the Bay Area and our first guest is a dad with much to be proud of!  Benjamin Hobson shared his coming out story with the world in a YouTube video he made.  He talked with us about how he overcame a problem with alcohol and came out as a gay man all at the same time.  Here is the video with his coming out story he published.


toltrapTBTS-CoverGay Pride month is a time when we celebrate who we are, how far we have come, and how much further we have to go.  Our next guest just published a new book and believes we might be selling ourselves short by accepting “tolerance” instead of full acceptance and equality.  Suzanna Walters is a professor at North Eastern University and is the author of “The Tolerance Trap.”  She talks with us about the LGBT civil rights movement and how much further we have to go.

Our next guest is Jamison Green, who is one of over a dozen contributing authors of a new book titled, “Trans Bodies, Trans Selves.”  It’s literally an encyclopedia of gender identity and we have never see anything like it.  Jamison shared with us some of the topics covered in the book including the segments he wrote about the presence of transgender people in the media.

Learn More

Benjamin Hobson’s YouTube Channel
Benjamin Hobson’s Blog
The Tolerance Trap
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves

Listen to this edition of Outbeat News In Depth here

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